Demographic and Sociocultural Surroundings in the Algarve - Portugal

Potential tourists residing in the Algarve
According to INE, the number of residents registered in 2022 in Portugal was 10,467,366, and the Algarve is one of the regions that showed the highest growth in residents, currently residing about 472,000 people. The Portuguese population is made up of 5,011,811 men (48%) and 5,465,555 women (52%). The resident population in the Algarve has a similar distribution, consisting of 229,950 men (49%) and 242,050 women (51%) (National Institute of Statistics, 2023f).
Potential non-resident tourists in the Algarve
According to INE, about 10,101,669 overnight stays were recorded in Portugal, and in the Algarve, approximately 3,166,586 overnight stays in August 2023. Compared to 2019, which was the best year for this sector, the figures are still below, with growth compared to 2022 (National Institute of Statistics, 2023b).
We were able to draw some conclusions through a study carried out by Opium in November 2022, which dealt with a representative sample of the seven main tourism source markets in the Algarve: Portugal, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands. There is an equal distribution between women and men, except in the markets of Portugal and Spain, where women predominate, and in the English market, where men predominate. The tourists surveyed are, on average, over 40 years old, with younger people accounting for only 10.7% of the sample, most of whom come from France and Germany. Tourists visiting the Algarve generate, on average, a total of €1,359 in revenue during their stay, with the markets of Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Ireland standing out, which exceed this average. There is a growing trend towards making reservations over the internet, especially in the UK. These tourists choose the Algarve motivated by the sun and the beaches (Opium, 2022).
Real Easy's customers have other expectations when choosing the Algarve and from the sample we have, there is a large percentage that is very happy with the choice.
Sofia Soeiro
Opium. (2022). Tourist Profile and Development Prospects. Available at: 23/OPIUM-ALGARVE-11.pdf (accessed on 05 November 2023).